Table of Contents

Interface IThumbnailerClient


Thumbnailer client.

public interface IThumbnailerClient


GenerateImagePlaceholderAsync(byte[], ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm, string?, string?, CancellationToken)

Generates a placeholder of given image.

Task<ImagePlaceholderResult> GenerateImagePlaceholderAsync(byte[] contents, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm imagePlaceholderAlgorithm, string? contentType = null, string? fileName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


contents byte[]

File bytes.

imagePlaceholderAlgorithm ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm

Desired placeholder generation algorithm.

contentType string

File content type. If not specified, it will be deduced from file signature: however, please specify it if available.

fileName string

File name. If not specified, its value will be a random file name compatible with specified (or deduced) content type.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



A very compact representation of given source image.

GenerateImagePlaceholderAsync(Uri, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm, CancellationToken)

Generates a placeholder of given image.

Task<ImagePlaceholderResult> GenerateImagePlaceholderAsync(Uri fileUri, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm imagePlaceholderAlgorithm, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


fileUri Uri

Source file URI.

imagePlaceholderAlgorithm ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm

Desired placeholder generation algorithm.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



A very compact representation of given source image.

GenerateThumbnailAsync(byte[], string?, string?, ushort, ushort, ushort, bool, bool, bool, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm, CancellationToken)

Produces a thumbnail of given source file.

Task<FileResult> GenerateThumbnailAsync(byte[] contents, string? contentType = null, string? fileName = null, ushort widthPx = 256, ushort heightPx = 256, ushort shavePx = 0, bool fill = true, bool smartCrop = false, bool fallback = false, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm imagePlaceholderAlgorithm = ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm.None, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


contents byte[]

File bytes.

contentType string

File content type. If not specified, it will be deduced from file signature: however, please specify it if available.

fileName string

File name. If not specified, its value will be a random file name compatible with specified (or deduced) content type.

widthPx ushort

Max thumbnail width. Thumbnail will be generated preserving the source file aspect ratio and, if fill is true, a transparent background will be added so that thumbnail width and height are exactly as requested.

heightPx ushort

Max thumbnail height. Thumbnail will be generated preserving the source file aspect ratio and, if fill is true, a transparent background will be added so that thumbnail width and height are exactly as requested.

shavePx ushort

Shaves shavePx from source file edges.

fill bool

If true, a transparent background will be added so that thumbnail width and height are exactly as requested, preserving source file aspect ratio. When smartCrop is enabled, this parameter will be ignored. Defaults to true.

smartCrop bool

Finds a good crop which satisfies specified widthPx and heightPx parameters. When smart crop is enabled, fill is ignored. Defaults to false.

fallback bool

If true, a fallback image is generated when thumbnail generation fails. Fallback image is generated starting from an SVG template, whose customization is documented in project README. Defaults to false.

imagePlaceholderAlgorithm ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm

Desired placeholder generation algorithm. Defaults to None.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



A thumbnail of given source file.

GenerateThumbnailAsync(Uri, ushort, ushort, ushort, bool, bool, bool, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm, CancellationToken)

Produces a thumbnail of given source file.

Task<FileResult> GenerateThumbnailAsync(Uri fileUri, ushort widthPx = 256, ushort heightPx = 256, ushort shavePx = 0, bool fill = true, bool smartCrop = false, bool fallback = false, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm imagePlaceholderAlgorithm = ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm.None, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


fileUri Uri

Source file URI.

widthPx ushort

Max thumbnail width. Thumbnail will be generated preserving the source file aspect ratio and, if fill is true, a transparent background will be added so that thumbnail width and height are exactly as requested.

heightPx ushort

Max thumbnail height. Thumbnail will be generated preserving the source file aspect ratio and, if fill is true, a transparent background will be added so that thumbnail width and height are exactly as requested.

shavePx ushort

Shaves shavePx from source file edges.

fill bool

If true, a transparent background will be added so that thumbnail width and height are exactly as requested, preserving source file aspect ratio. When smartCrop is enabled, this parameter will be ignored. Defaults to true.

smartCrop bool

Finds a good crop which satisfies specified widthPx and heightPx parameters. When smart crop is enabled, fill is ignored. Defaults to false.

fallback bool

If true, a fallback image is generated when thumbnail generation fails. Fallback image is generated starting from an SVG template, whose customization is documented in project README. Defaults to false.

imagePlaceholderAlgorithm ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm

Desired placeholder generation algorithm. Defaults to None.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



A thumbnail of given source file.


Checks whether Thumbnailer service is healthy or not.

Task<bool> IsHealthyAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



True if service is healthy, false otherwise.

IsImagePlaceholderGenerationSupportedAsync(string, CancellationToken)

Returns true if given content type is supported by image placeholder generation, false otherwise.

Task<bool> IsImagePlaceholderGenerationSupportedAsync(string contentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


contentType string

Content type.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



True if given content type is supported by image placeholder generation, false otherwise.

IsMediaOptimizationSupportedAsync(string, CancellationToken)

Returns true if given content type is supported by media file optimization with specified mode, false otherwise.

Task<bool> IsMediaOptimizationSupportedAsync(string contentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


contentType string

Content type.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



True if given content type is supported by media file optimization, false otherwise.

IsThumbnailGenerationSupportedAsync(string, CancellationToken)

Returns true if given content type is supported by thumbnail generation, false otherwise.

Task<bool> IsThumbnailGenerationSupportedAsync(string contentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


contentType string

Content type.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



True if given content type is supported by thumbnail generation, false otherwise.

OptimizeMediaAsync(byte[], string?, string?, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm, CancellationToken)

Optimizes given source media file.

Task<FileResult> OptimizeMediaAsync(byte[] contents, string? contentType = null, string? fileName = null, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm imagePlaceholderAlgorithm = ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm.None, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


contents byte[]

File bytes.

contentType string

File content type. If not specified, it will be deduced from file signature: however, please specify it if available.

fileName string

File name. If not specified, its value will be a random file name compatible with specified (or deduced) content type.

imagePlaceholderAlgorithm ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm

Desired placeholder generation algorithm. Defaults to None.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



An optimized version of given source media file.

OptimizeMediaAsync(Uri, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm, CancellationToken)

Optimizes given source media file.

Task<FileResult> OptimizeMediaAsync(Uri fileUri, ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm imagePlaceholderAlgorithm = ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm.None, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


fileUri Uri

Source file URI.

imagePlaceholderAlgorithm ImagePlaceholderAlgorithm

Desired placeholder generation algorithm. Defaults to None.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

Cancellation token.



An optimized version of given source media file.